Monday, September 5, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday : Current TV Shows I'm A Fangirl For

This week's TTT is all in honor of Fall's TV and the special time of year we hunker down and start exploring (or continuing) our screen obsessions. Summer has faded, winter is coming, and we have been waiting too long. As usual there's flexibility upon one's interpretation of the weekly theme but I have, alas, been unable to find a creative twist. Mostly because I'm exhausted from Labor Day weekend. I spent four hours at Barnes and Nobles and the morning of going through books and setting up my new bookshelves. Fantastic time. Completely tired.

So I'm going with the tried and true - Current Shows I'm Obsessed With!!! (With a slight leaning towards the less-than obvious choices - such as Game of Thrones)

The 100

MY TOP SHOW. Based on a book series that I never got into (like seriously) this show defeats all the odds. Literally. Some reasons why it just sings to my soul and keeps me up at night - badass women on an un-argued level as their male counterparts, the heartwretching decisions and twists, and the magical way they seem to pull off complex, unique post-nuclear world with a CW budget. Also #Bellarke and #RavenReyes. 


I've watched the first season like five times. Probably more. Poldark returns home after being forced to battle it out with those pesky Colonial rebels when he gets in trouble with the law and finds his Dad has kicked it, the estate is in shambles, and his girl has latched onto his cousin. What will a brooding, rebel hero do in such circumstances? Make mining look like the hottest, noblest thing to do since damsels stopped being trapped in towers, seduce the kitchen maid into his marital bed, and routinely stick up for the impoverished working man (while his hair is blowing in the wind). 


This show made me LOVE zombies - and I was already a fan of the Walking Dead. In fact, I wouldn't mind being one. If it meant having natural Khaleesi hair and have major bromances without the complications of writer-forced romantic entanglements. (There is romance, of course, but several male-female friendships that untouched by the usual 'forced under-current attraction'). Plus - it's funny. But also serious when it needs to be. Heartstrings are tugged and then you laugh and then you cry and then you text your best friend and spoil it because you always end up watching the episodes first....

Orphan Black

The first rule about Clone Club is you don't talk about Clone Club. So click the title link, Sestra! You won't regret it...

Another I talked about extensively this weekend. This might be an obvious choice because since it recently came out - it's been a huge success. For good reason. Those little guys (and girl) up there? THEY BRING THE FEELS. Winona Ryder is back, people. And the eighties live on in it's unabashed, perfectly executed homage to eighties cinema. Also, watch out for the Demigorgon - he's for real and ate poor Barb. (Sorry, spoiler...maybe?)


This might be an obvious choice too - especially since this is a book blog and I've talked extensively about it. Outlander - based on series written by Diana Gabaldon. Scottish Highlands, Time-Travelling World War 2 nurse, two age-less actors, and all the history. Plus sexy times. AND THAT FINALE. I, honestly, wasn't entirely sold on this season. I missed the Highlands and then when they got back there it was so grim (for an obvious reason) and I was disheartened by the looming doom. But, the finale brought it home for me in a big way. I'm beyond excited for the next season. 

Once Upon A Time

For all the ups and downs I've had with this show - I keep going back to it. In the paraphrased words of my best friendly - it's hard to keep up with a show where the whole premise is that they can't/struggle with having a happy ending. It means that they'll never truly be happy until the show ends. lol. That being said - the layers that are brought to the characters, the unique twists on the fairy tales we've grown up with, and the main core family at the heart of the show draws me in everytime. Plus. The creators of Lost are behind it.


I will put this show on the background and it'll make me feel right at home. It's what I watch when I want to get in the right headspace. (Even though there's no way I could make some of the life choices in their lives). There is something entirely relatable and universal about the characters. Fiona is my spirit animal. I'm massively in love with Lip. I've stuck with Ian through his up and downs and then gave up when he broke it off with Mickey, lol (Not really but sort of). I'm incredibly concerned about Deb and Carl and Liam. And I want to be tight with Kev and Veronica. I will literally bawl when this show eventually comes to a close. 

General Hospital

Speaking of being shameless...I am completely unashamed about my love for General Hospital. I know, I know - it's a soap opera. But, that's there in lies the magic - anything can happen. Like anything! Mobsters with hearts of gold, ridiculously over the top medical conditions and events, legacy couples forever (until they're forced by the writers to cheat on each other and consider quitting the show and then go back with gusto when they reconcile), and COMING BACK FROM THE DEAD. No character is truly ever dead. THERE'S ALWAYS HOPE. It takes years of commitment when you're a soap fangirl, its not for everyone, but this is a list for my top tv obsessions...and Port Charles (hometown setting) takes a big chunk of my television loving heart. #Jasam. #Lante. #CorinthosClan. #NOSHAME. lololol. ;)  

I'd like to give honorable mention to - Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, and all things Marvel-Netflix. I didn't list them because they've gotten a lot of coverage in the larger context of social media or I couldn't pick which one to put down (ahem, Marvel-Netflix). 

I want to hear about what you've been watching, what twist did you put on this week's topic, and do you too fangirl for some of the above mentioned???

Until next week!



Anonymous September 5, 2016 at 10:05 PM  

I have heard a lot of wonderful things about the shows you've mentioned. I really should make more time for TV! I have read the Outlander books and enjoyed them. :-)

Jessica Henry September 5, 2016 at 10:08 PM  

TV can take up a lot of time. The nice thing about nowadays that shows aren't always released at the same time. You'll have shows premiere in winter versus fall, you'll have shows only be in summer, or you'll have Netflix that just releases when they're ready to upload! lol. It helps balances things out but the wait can be horrendous when you're hooked. lol. Thanks for stopping by!

A September 5, 2016 at 11:24 PM  

Great list! iZombie and Outlander are also on mine, and Poldark and Shameless sound interesting. Thanks for the recs :)

Emma September 6, 2016 at 2:57 AM  

iZombie is on mine too. I love how it incorporated drama and mystery with lighthearted comedy. My TTT here

Lori September 6, 2016 at 3:17 AM  

I really want to start Outlander soon. I love the books so much, so I'm afraid of being disappointed. I'm happy to hear that you like it so much!

My Top Ten

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz September 6, 2016 at 3:24 AM  

It was when I obsessively watched soaps that I decided I needed to slow down with the tv. Thanks for sharing your favorites!

Here's my list of TV Shows I Watch Even After I Gave Up TV!

Jessica Henry September 6, 2016 at 6:33 AM  

Yvw! Shameless 1-6 was just uploaded to US Netflix! Poldark is a little harder to find but it's PBS. :) Thank you for stopping by!

Jessica Henry September 6, 2016 at 7:01 AM  

Agreed! It's got all the things! \o/ Thank you for visiting. :)

Jessica Henry September 6, 2016 at 7:07 AM  

I'm actually working on a post about the books and the series right now. There are some differences but I personally love it. I think it's worth the watch. Thank you for visiting! :)

Angela September 6, 2016 at 7:20 AM  

I LOVED Stranger Things and can't wait for Season 2! I am loving the Outlander books, but for some reason I couldn't get into the TV show.

Jessica Henry September 6, 2016 at 7:29 AM  

Lol, it takes balance to watch a soap. I can only handle one now. Although, at one time I somehow magically kept up (juggling them) with all three ABC soaps (rip OLTL & AMC!). It also helps my best friend watches too so we can catch each other up over our coffee dates and daily texts if need be. It's much better to watch it with a friend, in my opinion. ;) Thanks for visiting!

Jessica Henry September 6, 2016 at 7:35 AM  

Stranger Things! I love how much love it's getting. It gives me hope! Not that I was actually hopeless, TV today is the best it has ever been. lol. My friend couldn't quite get into Outlander. I think seeing all the violence and sex straight up on screen was a bit shocking and she's not really into that kind of stuff. It's one thing to read it - another to see it. Thank you for visiting! :)

Mallory @ The Local Muse September 6, 2016 at 8:11 PM  

I want to watch Poldark so badly! Crossing my fingers Netflix will get it. I also loved Stranger Things; the cast was amazing and Eleven is one of my favorite characters I have seen on TV in a long time!
Thanks for stopping by The Local Muse

Rissi September 6, 2016 at 11:11 PM  

I'm addicted to Poldark and cannot wait for the S2 US DVD release. I'm just hoping that S2 doesn't ruin the good place Ross and Demelza were in (I'm not holding my breath). I liked OUAT, well, once upon a time, but I now have issues with it. Still, someday I'll catch up with it.

Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland, Jessica.

Jessica Henry September 7, 2016 at 7:16 AM  

I watch it on Amazon Prime. My sister is so lucky - they have Poldark on Netflix Russia! Eleven is one of my favorite characters too! Honestly -they all are. Even maybe Steve with the Hair. lolol. Thanks for visiting too! :)

Jessica Henry September 7, 2016 at 7:32 AM  

I can't wait for Poldark S2! And I'm in the same boat - that they don't mess with Ross and Demelza (I love that name, I really do). My best friend can't with Once and it makes me sad but I understand. It's gone back and forth from being one of my main focuses to being a favored 'side view' show for a reason. lol. Thank you for stopping by too! :)

CG @ Paper Fury September 8, 2016 at 2:24 AM  

Yesss I will fangirl over Stranger Things! AHHHH.!!!! I just watched episode 6 and then decided that I should really, like, upkeep my blog instead of ignoring it forever haha.😂 But I LOVE Stranger Things so much and all those little actors are too adorable and the monster is so freaking creepy. IT'S GRAND.
I also really really want to try The 100!! I read the book and ugh, it was kind of terrible hehe. So hoping the show is better?!

Jessica Henry September 8, 2016 at 11:32 AM  

Oh the book (the 100) is awful. But, the show is AMAZING. It's a rare case where I absolutely disregard the book in lieu of it's on-screen counterpart. I mean, it's CW - their adaptations are more like barely concealed AU Fanfiction - but, in this case - it totally works! First two seasons are on Netflix! (Oh, I vidded one of the characters in the first season (Bellamy, lol) . I'm mid-level at best but it was fun to make!). Thanks for stopping by! :) (Don't let the Demigorgon eat you!)

Petra September 10, 2016 at 10:26 AM  

Love The 100! iZombie, Orphan Black and Stranger Things is shows I need to watch asap, but just haven't gotten the time to do it yet. But I will. I will. :)
Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my TTT earlier. :)

Jessica Henry September 10, 2016 at 12:07 PM  

You're very welcome! And, I wish I could pick one of those of those three that you absolutely have to start with but I can't because they're all awesome. I will, however, say that Stranger Things is only eight episodes so it might be a good weekend binge-watch to start with! :) Thanks for visiting too!