Monday, February 22, 2016

TTT : Top Ten Books Outside of Comfort Zone

The particular challenge for this weeks' topic is that - I like too many types genres and I don't normally pick up a book outside of my interests. That being said - it's not completely uncommon to have a book ninja up on me and be something surprising and better than I originally pegged it to be. I'll try to get to ten! 

Uprooted by Naomi Novak

I'm not done with this book yet! But, wow. Omg. It came out of nowhere. It's not at all what I expected. I can't wait to formally review it. Right now I'm taking my time with reading it to enjoy it better! 

Light Is The New Black by Rebecca Campbell

The past year I've been reading more and more non-fiction. I rarely pick up self-help new agey books. The farthest I've gone into that genre was Eat, Pray, Love and the Dance of the Dissident Daughter. I should review this formally. Seriously one of the most spirit-warming books I've read. I love what she has to share and I really responded to it. It surprised me! 

Not much to say about this other than it really helped me change my views on keeping my life neat. 

I don't normally get into autobiographies or non-fiction but...well. FELICIA DAY. :) Here's a link to my original review

It's not that hard to enjoy Meg Cabot. When I read this book I read it because I wanted to see the story continued. I didn't think I'd enjoy it so much because it's for...well...middle schoolers. YEA... IT'S ADORABLE. Olivia Grace is my new favorite long lost Rinaldi.

The Lunar Chronicles (#1, Cinder) by Marissa Meyer

I love fantasy and I love fairy tales and yet I'm not too big on science fiction. I enjoy it but I often get distracted. It's completely opposite from my tastes in TV/Film. I avoided The Lunar Chronicles for years because I didn't think I'd enjoy it. The Cinderella story kind of bores me at times. I had read so many incarnations. WELP. I was wrong. One of the best series out there right now. Read it. :)

And...yea, I'm out! That's all I can think of that's recent. I can't wait to see what everyone else came up with! :) 



Anonymous February 22, 2016 at 10:43 PM  

I struggled this week too--I read a lot of different genres, and apparently DON'T read the ones I don't think I'll like.

Jessica Henry February 22, 2016 at 11:07 PM  

Lol! Yea, I mean...why read a book that doesn't interest you? But, occasionally something will sneak up and surprise you!

Stardust Words February 23, 2016 at 6:41 AM  

I've seen Cinder on a bunch of lists this week! It was sort of out of my comfort zone too, but it's so good :) I really want to read Uprooted, I'll be interested in what you have to say about it!
here's my TTT!

Jessica Henry February 23, 2016 at 6:50 AM  

I'm jotting down notes as I read! I'm excited to share it. I'm about half way through and I feel confident enough to recommend it out. Thanks for stopping by! :)

Rissi February 23, 2016 at 1:26 PM  

Ahh! I am STILL in need (yes, NEED ;D) of reading the Lunar Chronicle novels. I hear amazing things about them and have the first 3 (I think) so I really have no legit excuse. Well, except they intimidate me - they seemed to get progressively longer. ;)

Thanks so much for visiting Dreaming Under the Same Moon, Jessica.

Jessica Henry February 23, 2016 at 1:35 PM  

Yes - they do seem to get progressively longer. But that's because she never abandons a character! The main characters from the previous books come along for the ride. So lots of story lines! But honestly worth it. Great story and characters. Thanks for visiting too! :)

Rudejasper February 23, 2016 at 5:12 PM  

Glad you saw the light with the Lunar Chronicles - it's such a fun series! Felicia Day is fun too though I haven't read her book yet. I'm glad to hear that it's a good read! My My TTT.

Jessica Henry February 23, 2016 at 6:18 PM  

Oh I loved it. Felicia Day is a favorite of mine. You should definitely read it! Thanks for stopping by. :)