Top Ten Tuesday : Characters that Remind Me of Myself
Anne Shirley of Green Gables
I was reading Anne of Green Gables books since I was probably...I want to say eight. I was a fast reader and voraciously devoured the books. She was an expression of my inner self and the vast imagination that I held inside my heart. She was the version of myself that I didn't feel comfortable or accepted in being in my real life. She was and is my literary kindred spirit.
Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre, oh Jane Eyre. She is a part of me. She really is. Here are two quotes that convinced me that I have been a Jane Eyre in a previous life:
“’I am not an angel,’ I asserted; ‘and I will not be one till I die: I will be myself. Mr. Rochester, you must neither expect nor exact anything celestial of me–for you will not get it, any more than I shall get it of you: which I do not at all anticipate.’”
"They go to hell," was my ready and orthodox answer.
"And what is hell? Can you tell me that?"
"A pit full of fire."
"And should you like to fall into that pit, and to be burning there for ever?"
"No, sir."
"What must you do to avoid it?"
I deliberated a moment: my answer, when it did come was objectionable: "I must keep in good health and not die.”
Ok so hilariously? I don't quite like Emma as much. She has always been one of least favorite of the Austen heroines. And, alas, according to the woman who gave birth to me and my very best friend - I am quite like her. Why? Because I'm a bit...bossy? Not bossy. No, never bossy. Just...I like to fix things and I express my opinions on how to accomplish the fixing of things very well. I also care a lot and I'm convinced that if my sisters just LISTENED to me then they would never have an issue. I'm also very independent and have a very close relationship with my father.
Cath from Fangirl
Cath is a introvert, a fandom lover, a fanfic writer who dreams of being published someday, and she and I have a lot in common. She can be taken out of herself but only by the best kind of people. Again, she's close to her Dad. Like I am. And she and I have very similar social anxieties. Kudos to my best friend Madie for pointing her out for this list.
Jo March
Many times have my sister and I considered which March girl we were. I've always firmly believed she was a cross between Meg and Amy while I was a cross between Jo and Beth. However, over the years, I've become increasingly more Jo than anything else. Her feelings are my feelings, her desires are often my desires. So when I'm asked 'Which March Sister Are You?' - it's always Jo March.
Caris Weaver from A World Without End
I love Follet's Kingsbridge Trilogy. Caris is a main character in the second one and she is so independent and driven. She is forced to become a Nun or be burned a witch and instead of giving up on her dreams she uses it to fulfill her goal to open up a hospital. Years later she defies everything and gives up the cloth to be with her one true love. Her legacy lives on the city. I might not be as fierce as she is nor as clever - I definitely am inspired by her and hope to have a small part of her tenacity inside of me.
Agnieska from Uprooted
Agnieska! One of my favorites! Her clumsy and emotionally based way of weaving magic and finding her way through dangerous ordeals with practical determination and intuition vibes with my own. She rather be comfortable than expensively clothed. She is the one person no one thinks would be chosen by the dragon or to have magic in her. But she is and she finds that she has a unique way of magic that ends of saving her home. And, while, I don't have a special kind of magic weaving ability inside of me - I do understand the way she sees and feels things out instead of subscribing to every letter and rule in the instructions. I work best that way too.
This isn't ten but it's super late and I'm rather tired. So I'll leave it here. I can't wait to see what other people come up with!
Until next time,
Cath is getting a lot of attention today! I really need to move Fangirl up the TBR soon!
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!
I'm probably nothing like Emma, but a lot like Cher from Clueless-- hahaha. I related SO hard to Cath in Fangirl, but I'm not a ton like her?? Like, I would never not go to the cafeteria if I was hungry. I think I'm more socially awkward than socially anxious.
Fangirl is the best! Definitely put it up top on your TBR! :D Thanks for visiting, I'll check yours out!
I'm definitely more like Emma than Cher from Clueless. However, I like Cher much better than yea! rofl. I'd would SO avoid the cafeteria if I was social anxious. I can get rather creative in resources when I'm like blocked by anxiety with something. rofl. Thanks for visiting!
Cath was on my list this week too. Oddly I picked something that was popular! I loved the Anne books but I don't know how much she would be like me.
Cath is everywhere! :D Sometimes popular just means classic! :D
I've never read Anne of Green Gables but I've seen a lot of book bloggers say they relate to her over the years, so she must strike quite a chord for people! I love characters like that, that we can find ourselves in or just relate to that way. Cath is such an awesome character too!
I think Anne speaks to so many of us because we love reading and she has that endless imagination in her that readers crave. :)
Aw, love all the literary lady love. There are so many amazing literary characters to admire. I know most of them only through TV or film adaptations since I don't read classic literature, but still, they're wonderful characters. :) Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland, Jessica; and my apologies it took me the entire week to visit here.
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