Wonder Woman : Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo
Page Count: 364 pgs (Hardcover)
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"Daughter of immortals - Princess Diana longs to prove herself to her legendary warrior sisters. But when the opportunity finally comes, she throws away her chance at glory and breaks Amazon law—risking exile—to save a mortal. Diana will soon learn that she has rescued no ordinary girl, and that with this single brave act, she may have doomed the world. Daughter of death - Alia Keralis just wanted to escape her overprotective brother with a semester at sea. She doesn’t know she is being hunted by people who think her very existence could spark a world war. When a bomb detonates aboard her ship, Alia is rescued by a mysterious girl of extraordinary strength and forced to confront a horrible truth: Alia is a Warbringer—a direct descendant of the infamous Helen of Troy, fated to bring about an age of bloodshed and misery. TogetherTwo girls will face an army of enemies—mortal and divine—determined to either destroy or possess the Warbringer. Tested beyond the bounds of their abilities, Diana and Alia must find a way to unleash hidden strengths and forge an unlikely alliance. Because if they have any hope of saving both their worlds, they will have to stand side by side against the tide of war."
Leigh Bardugo is one of the best authors in the Young Adult field right now. She's best known for her Six of Crows duology and The Grisha Trilogy. The DC Icon series are clearly angling to get well established YA authors to narrate their series. Sarah. J. Mass (Throne of Glass) helmed Catwoman's book. If you aren't aware of Bardugo and her writing - she's good at what she does and you should read her. So do that. Go read her. And you can start with this. Because I'm giving it a gazillion stars.
I don't do much in the way of comic books but I love Wonder Woman. I've loved her for her iconic image, what she has represented to women and girls, and as I grew older - how she is a pop culture reflection of Goddess spirituality and ancient mythology. I knew that I'd love anything written by Bardugo and I knew that I'd have a hard time saying no to a novelized YA Wonder Woman. Put two and two together and you'd think I would have expected to be obsessed. But, I really didn't expect for it to take me away the way it did.
Themyscera has never been brought to life like this before. Details effortlessly flow without feeling like info-dumping brought to life from Diana, teenage Princess of the Amazons, who belongs to the Island but struggles to belong amongst the people that it belongs to. The terrain, mystical but not alien, is brought to life through her eyes. And then, New York City. And then...well, I won't give too much away but I don't think it'll come as a shock that they road-trip to Greece (and a hell of a road trip it is).
Themyscera has never been brought to life like this before. Details effortlessly flow without feeling like info-dumping brought to life from Diana, teenage Princess of the Amazons, who belongs to the Island but struggles to belong amongst the people that it belongs to. The terrain, mystical but not alien, is brought to life through her eyes. And then, New York City. And then...well, I won't give too much away but I don't think it'll come as a shock that they road-trip to Greece (and a hell of a road trip it is).
It's a fascinating concept - a society of women warriors living on a invisible, gifted mystical island separated from the outside, mainstream world. We see it both from Diana's POV and from Alia's POV. Omg - poor, poor Alia. She's basically convinced that she accidentally landed on a Greek-obsessed Cult Island. Not quite, Alia. Not quite.
One of my absolute favorite parts of the mythology that Bardugo created was how new Amazons came to be. When a female warrior is fallen in battle and she speaks the name of a Goddess and is deemed worthy - then she is reborn on the Themyscera as an Amazon. Diana's best friend on the Island and a newer Amazon (in comparison to many) spoke the name of St. Brigit when she went down fighting in a riot (not sure which one!) and was reborn an Amazon. St. Brigid is a carnation of the Goddess Brigid - ancient Celtic goddess of forge and fire. The story is the story of all the Amazons since Themyscera was gifted. EXCEPT Diana. Which, not a big shocker - is part of her teenage angst.
One of the other aspects that makes this a stand-a-lone worthy of it's own series is Bardugo's fully fleshed out cast of diverse characters. Alia is half-Greek, half African American (as is her brother) and there is no shying away from the realities of being a person of color in the modern world. We see it both from the bewildered eyes of innocent Diana and from the world-exposed Alia. It isn't just some side-observation either, it's fully acknowledged and absorbed part of Alia. Basically - it's realistic where others would either forget, neglect, or sugarcoat. Furthermore in the diversity aspect - Alia's best friend Nim is a full-figured plus sized lesbian Indian girl with epic fashion sense. Actually here, just take a look at this fanart I found on Leigh Bardugo's tumblr:
All she needed to flesh out the diversity was a character with a disability.
While there are some fine looking males - the heart and center of the story is coming of age as a young woman and the strength of female friendships. Diana and Alia both come of age in their friendship together and the challenges and plot twists they face together. The choice to stand together, an iconic oath they make to each other, and the mythology and mystery behind Helen of Troy when she was just a girl herself, entwine together to create a anthem of modern maidenhood and the purity of female friendships.
It's not all coming-of-age angst and mythology, though. There are so many epic twists and unique and original turns in the plot that I will not spoil but can I just say - AWESOME. The BIG twist, the one that I will not speak of or even think of in too much detail - is jaw-dropping and utterly heart-crumbling. There's a legit moment (actually several) where I thought that that they were going to fail, that they were totally going to lose, and that the ending might just be something incredibly dark and tragic. And, if I'm being honest - it is tragic and it is dark and it is bittersweet.
But it's also entirely and completely wonderful.
And, I could go on and on and on and ON about this and how much I love the mythology, imagery, sassiness, the emotional journey, the character development - but it's like 2 a.m. and I need to go to bed and wrap this post up. So, I shall leave you with this. The Amazon Oath:
Until next time,
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