Top Ten Tuesday : Love But Haven't Talked About In A While...
Hosted by : The Broke and Bookish
I'm going to have to dig because my usual favorites always end up mentioned each week on Tuesday! lol. Books I love that I haven't talked about in a while....
The Dance of the Dissident Daughter by Sue Monk Kidd
I used to carry this around everywhere early college years. Definitely helped shape my present-day thinking and beliefs.
Marlfox - Brian Jacques
I adore Brian Jacques. The Redwall Series was my Harry Potter (as HP was banned for me by my parentals). Marlfox was one that I kept checking out from the library. (I only owned one book from the series. I always borrowed!)
Veronika Decides To Die by Paulo Coelho
My favorite of his.
By The River Piedra I Sat Down And Wept - Paulo Coelho
But this one was my first introduction to his writing. (Thanks to my sister!)
Orphan Train - Christina Bakerkline
This is going to be a classic someday. (Also being optioned for a movie - last I heard!).
Stitch In Time - Ann Rinaldi
Why yes, yes I have mentioned my love for Ann Rinaldi before. The Quilt Trilogy was a favorite in my early teens. I re-read it several times over and even got my sister into it!
The Trumpet of the Swan - E.B. White
Stuart Little? Charlotte's Web? Yea, classics. But my favorite was the swan that played the trumpet. Re-read several times over as a kid.
The Lady of Shalott - Tennyson
I still to this day have parts of this poem memorized. I remember reading it to my little sister (who loved it), I remember getting SO EXCITED when Meg Cabot wrote a book semi-inspired-based-off-of-it.
I know it's only eight, not ten...but I tried. I'm so bad at thinking of new-old books. I spend half the time searching fractured book synopsis's on google in a desperate attempt to remember titles and authors. And then I tell myself I need to get better with my Goodread - then I'd never have that problem again. And then I go to Goodreads...and it's a vortex of distraction from there...
Recognize any titles? Any to suggest? I can't wait to see what every one else puts. Thanks for stopping by!
Nice picks for this week! I haven't read any of the books on your list... I'll have to expand my reading horizons!!
Here's a link to my TTT for this week:
Oh my goodness I haven't thought about Redwall in years... wow seeing it here makes me want to go back and reread! great list.
here's my TTT!
Hey fellow Redwallian! I always like meeting a fellow Redwall lover! I've been going back and re-reading the books over the past year. I haven't gotten to Marlfox yet. Thanks for stopping by! :)
I always think of Anne of Green Gables when seeing "The Lady of Shalott." The former is one of my childhood favorites as we watched the popular 80s adaptations OVER and OVER again. :D
Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland, Jessica.
Me too! And I did too. Watched it OVER AND OVER again. I still have my original paperback complete series too. lol. Thanks for stopping by! :)
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